Spooktacular Candy Corn Votives
Votives are so versatile and everybody loves them. These candy corn votives make great gifts and they are fast and easy to make. Layered votives are made by pouring the wax in layers of different colors into the votive cups.
Pumpkin & Jack-O-Latern Candles
Who can resist a jack-o-lantern at Halloween? Pumpkin carving has evolved into an art form and there are so many different personalities that you can create with just a paintbrush and some black paint.
How to Scent and Color Candles
The coloring and fragrance of a candle can make it stand out and tranform the look immensly. Color and scent can help you customize your candle for your specific customers.
Since 1993
Candle Making Fun!
Welcome to our candle projects blog! We love everything from classic container candles to cut and carve candles. In this blog we will explore basic candle making to more advanced projects. We will also go over different types of waxes and gels to help you stay in tune with the industry. Our aim is to help you develop a diverse knowledge and love for candles so you can try new ideas and even expand your product line. All of our projects will list ingredients used and supplies needed, as well as step by step instruction. We love getting your feedback, please feel free to email and comments on any posts 🙂

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